The Circumstances

The eleventh chapter of my novel-in-the-works is titled, “The Circumstances.” In the chapter, Clarence Cash awakes after a brush with death to find himself scatterbrained and days behind in his pursuit of a smuggler. Before he mounts his horse to continue his hunt, he evaluates his situation. He evaluates his circumstances. Much the same, I’m assessing my own.

I have not been a present blogger. Worse, I have not been a productive writer. About two months ago, I was both. I was highly interactive with all of you. I was up to date with my Reader. I was cranking out substantial posts two times a week. On the writing side, I was writing every day. I was moving with forward momentum nearly every day.

But the circumstances are different today. My course load this semester has proven far more intense than that of the first. Where I didn’t work a job during my first semester in the interest of advancing my writing (and I did!), I’ve since returned to work. Thus, my time for writing and blogging has been reduced. Not reduced to nothing, but reduced enough to make this post.

Many take breaks from WordPress because they’ve become tired or overworked or uninspired. The case is the opposite for me. I am bursting with energy and posts. I want to rock 120%. The trouble is, academics take precedent, and it’s crucial that I stay diligent for another month and a half.

I’m not putting a hold on blogging. Rather, I’m putting a hold on the promise of a post a week. I won’t have a posting schedule for two months, maximum. I hate to do things this way, but this is how I can best balance college with blogging/writing at this time. I will be around to catch some of your posts, but I can’t say I’m going to check my Reader every day, because I won’t. I hope y’all understand. It’s worth noting that there are a host of bloggers who have stopped by with blogs I want to read and follow and explore, and I intend to do so as soon as possible! After this period, I can assure you that I’ll devise a system so I can be more consistent when life moves faster. I’ll leave you with the final line from Chapter 11: The Circumstances.

“I hope you’re ready for an adventure, because I see adventure on the horizon.”

~J.J. Azar

Oh, Sunny Day! I Received the Sunshine Blogger Award!

*cue medieval fanfare horns*

Long ago, WordPress legend Vinnieh nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. Me, being the fool I am, floundered as I attempted to eat my mutton, my mashed potatoes, and my assorted greens all at once. Typically, I’m able to have a full meal in one sitting, but this month has been like a kick from a wild mule. It’s about time that I officially accept this high honor. Alas, here we are. I’m back on track. What better way is there to return to the presses than by recognizing this merit? Let’s celebrate!sunshine-blogger-award.png

The rules logged by the scribe are as follows:

  • Post the award on your blog.
  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Answer the 11 questions they set you.
  • Pick another 11 bloggers.
  • Give them 11 questions

THANK YOU, Vinnieh, for your nomination and your support. Your sincere, thoughtful comments mean a whole lot to me. For those who don’t follow Vinnieh, you ought to check him out. He reviews movies with more depth and professionalism than any other critic I’ve read around these parts, which says a lot, because there are some STELLAR critics on WordPress.

Without further ado, here are the questions put forth by the Movie Man himself, along with my answers to them.

1. How often would you say you spend on your blog?

I makes my rounds about the WordPress kingdom on a daily basis. I typically take Sundays to recline with a lukewarm, medieval beverage in hand, but otherwise, I’m on top of my game (with this week being a sad exception).

2. What has blogging taught you?

Blogging has taught me about writing. Yes, a clinical answer, but ’tis the truth. I’ve grown as a writer since declaring my lordship over this plot of WordPress thanks to writers published and rising alike. Free council? What else can I ask for?

3. Amy Adams or Natalie Portman?

Amy Adams hands down. I feel like Natalie Portman is always sneering at me. I understand it (have you seen me?), but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. Lois Lane all the way!

4. Walks along the beach or romantic meal inside?

Start with the meal, end with the walk. A one-stop date is no date at all.

5. Have you ever written in the nude?

Now I have.

6. What film had the biggest emotional impact on you?

Piglet’s Big Movie. Cried in the theater and all. I was 5.

7. What is your fondest memory from childhood?

My childhood was fantastic, so I couldn’t possibly decide on a fondest memory, but I do recall steering my tricycle into my garage door. I still have a scar on my knee from the pathetic incident.

8. Is there any scene you would love to recreate from a movie?

All of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off seems about right to me.

9. Where do you see yourself in five years time?

I can’t even tell you what I’m having for dinner.

10. What film have you been meaning to watch for a long time, but just haven’t got the chance to?

The Godfather. Shame, shame, I know. I’ll get to it.

11. And in the style of Stuff and That, do you think I have a nice bum?

It’s all about personality *muffled laughter.* No, in all seriousness, personality is king. I don’t know anything about any WordPresser’s bum, though! If it’s Vinnieh’s, I’d assume yes.


Thank you for these fine questions, Vinnieh! This Q and A process reminded me of my first Q and A some time back. Rumor has it, if I reach 200 followers (I’m climbing! :D) I’ll be doing ANOTHER video-style Q and A. Alright, now it’s time for me to pass this award on to some other, more deserving bloggers.

I nominate:

A.S. Akkalon

Books, Vertigo, and Tea

K.A. Botello

I wouldn’t be surprised if each of these bloggers has already received this award, because they certainly manage to brighten up my day with their content, whether it be for their humor, their sincerity, or their valuable insights! I implore you to check them out. The 11 questions I hereby pass onto them are as follows:

1. What is one food you could not live without? (water doesn’t count, ye sly one, ye).

2. Candy or chocolate?

3. Fruits or vegetables?

4. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

5. What movie scene never fails to make you laugh?

6. What is the best, lesser-know television show you would recommend?

7. How do you like your steak cooked?

8. What is the greatest live performance (concert or otherwise) you have witnessed in person?

9. What is your favorite song from your least-favorite genre?

10. What is your favorite movie that most people probably have never heard of?

11. Would you consider yourself to be an optimist or a pessimist?

Thanks to all for reading, thanks to Vinnieh for the nomination, and congrats to the nominees!

As always, stay classy

~J.J. Azar